
Create a recursive member function level

Discuss the below:

Q1. Write a recursive member function level() for class template BST(Binary Search Tree) that determines the level in the BST at which a specified item is located. The root of the BST is at level 0, its children are at level 1, and so on.

Q2. Write a recursive member function leafCount() for class template BST to count the leaves in a binary tree.

[Hint: How is the number of leaves in the entire tree related to the number of leaves in the left and right subtrees of that root?]/* BST.h contains the declaration of class template BST.

Basic operations:
Constructor: Constructs an empty BST
empty: Checks if a BST is empty
search: Search a BST for an item
insert: Inserts a value into a BST
remove: Removes a value from a BST
inorder: Inorder traversal of a BST -- output the data values
graph: Output a grapical representation of a BST
Private utility helper operations:
search2: Used by delete
inorderAux: Used by inorder
graphAux: Used by graph
Other operations described in the exercises:
copy constructor
assignment operator
preorder, postorder, and level-by-level traversals
level finder



class BST
/***** Function Members *****/
Construct a BST object.

Precondition: None.
Postcondition: An empty BST has been constructed.

bool empty() const;
Check if BST is empty.

Precondition: None.
Postcondition: Returns true if BST is empty and false otherwise.

bool search(const DataType & item) const;
Search the BST for item.

Precondition: None.
Postcondition: Returns true if item found, and false otherwise.

void insert(const DataType & item);
Insert item into BST.

Precondition: None.
Postcondition: BST has been modified with item inserted at proper
position to maintain BST property.

void remove(const DataType & item);
Remove item from BST.

Precondition: None.
Postcondition: BST has been modified with item removed (if present);
BST property is maintained.
Note: remove uses auxiliary function search2() to locate the node
containing item and its parent.

void inorder(ostream & out) const;
Inorder traversal of BST.

Precondition: ostream out is open.
Postcondition: BST has been inorder traversed and values in nodes
have been output to out.
Note: inorder uses private auxiliary function inorderAux().

void graph(ostream & out) const;
Graphic output of BST.

Precondition: ostream out is open.
Postcondition: Graphical representation of BST has been output to out.
Note: graph() uses private auxiliary function graphAux().

/***** Node class *****/
class BinNode
DataType data;
BinNode * left;
BinNode * right;

// BinNode constructors
// Default -- data part is default DataType value; both links are null.
: left(0), right(0)

// Explicit Value -- data part contains item; both links are null.
BinNode(DataType item)
: data(item), left(0), right(0)

};// end of class BinNode declaration

typedef BinNode * BinNodePointer;

/***** Private Function Members *****/
void search2(const DataType & item, bool & found,
BinNodePointer & locptr, BinNodePointer & parent) const;
Locate a node containing item and its parent.

Precondition: None.
Postcondition: locptr points to node containing item or is null if
not found, and parent points to its parent.#include

void inorderAux(ostream & out,
BST::BinNodePointer subtreePtr) const;
Inorder traversal auxiliary function.

Precondition: ostream out is open; subtreePtr points to a subtree
of this BST.
Postcondition: Subtree with root pointed to by subtreePtr has been
output to out.

void graphAux(ostream & out, int indent,
BST::BinNodePointer subtreeRoot) const;
Graph auxiliary function.

Precondition: ostream out is open; subtreePtr points to a subtree
of this BST.
Postcondition: Graphical representation of subtree with root pointed
to by subtreePtr has been output to out, indented indent spaces.

/***** Data Members *****/
BinNodePointer myRoot;

}; // end of class template declaration

//--- Definition of constructor
inline BST::BST()
: myRoot(0)

//--- Definition of empty()
inline bool BST::empty() const
{ return myRoot == 0; }

//--- Definition of search()
bool BST::search(const DataType & item) const
BST::BinNodePointer locptr = myRoot;
bool found = false;
while (!found && locptr != 0)
if (item < locptr->data) // descend left
locptr = locptr->left;
else if (locptr->data < item) // descend right
locptr = locptr->right;
else // item found
found = true;
return found;

//--- Definition of insert()
inline void BST::insert(const DataType & item)
locptr = myRoot, // search pointer
parent = 0; // pointer to parent of current node
bool found = false; // indicates if item already in BST
while (!found && locptr != 0)
parent = locptr;
if (item < locptr->data) // descend left
locptr = locptr->left;
else if (locptr->data < item) // descend right
locptr = locptr->right;
else // item found
found = true;
if (!found)
{ // construct node containing item
locptr = new BST::BinNode(item);
if (parent == 0) // empty tree
myRoot = locptr;
else if (item < parent->data ) // insert to left of parent
parent->left = locptr;
else // insert to right of parent
parent->right = locptr;
cout << "Item already in the tree\n";

//--- Definition of remove()
void BST::remove(const DataType & item)
bool found; // signals if item is found
x, // points to node containing
parent; // " " parent of x and xSucc
search2(item, found, x, parent);

if (!found)
cout << "Item not in the BST\n";
if (x->left != 0 && x->right != 0)
{ // node has 2 children
// Find x's inorder successor and its parent
BST::BinNodePointer xSucc = x->right;
parent = x;
while (xSucc->left != 0) // descend left
parent = xSucc;
xSucc = xSucc->left;

// Move contents of xSucc to x and change x
// to point to successor, which will be removed.
x->data = xSucc->data;
x = xSucc;
} // end if node has 2 children

// Now proceed with case where node has 0 or 2 child
subtree = x->left; // pointer to a subtree of x
if (subtree == 0)
subtree = x->right;
if (parent == 0) // root being removed
myRoot = subtree;
else if (parent->left == x) // left child of parent
parent->left = subtree;
else // right child of parent
parent->right = subtree;
delete x;

//--- Definition of inorder()
inline void BST::inorder(ostream & out) const
inorderAux(out, myRoot);

//--- Definition of graph()
inline void BST::graph(ostream & out) const
{ graphAux(out, 0, myRoot); }

//--- Definition of search2()
void BST::search2(const DataType & item, bool & found,
BST::BinNodePointer & locptr,
BST::BinNodePointer & parent) const
locptr = myRoot;
parent = 0;
found = false;
while (!found && locptr != 0)
if (item < locptr->data) // descend left
parent = locptr;
locptr = locptr->left;
else if (locptr->data < item) // descend right
parent = locptr;
locptr = locptr->right;
else // item found
found = true;

//--- Definition of inorderAux()
void BST::inorderAux(ostream & out,
BST::BinNodePointer subtreeRoot) const
if (subtreeRoot != 0)
inorderAux(out, subtreeRoot->left); // L operation
out << subtreeRoot->data << " "; // V operation
inorderAux(out, subtreeRoot->right); // R operation

//--- Definition of graphAux()

void BST::graphAux(ostream & out, int indent,
BST::BinNodePointer subtreeRoot) const
if (subtreeRoot != 0)
graphAux(out, indent + 8, subtreeRoot->right);
out << setw(indent) << " " << subtreeRoot->data << endl;
graphAux(out, indent + 8, subtreeRoot->left);


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