Need help with my JAVA programming homework!
Solve for a path through a Two-Dimensional maze by use of exhaustive search and backtracking.
Given a two-dimensional array like the one shown below, create a recursive Java program that will traverse the array looking for a path from the upper left corner to the lower right.
private int[][] grid = { {1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1},
Program specifications:
In the maze, values represented are:
- 1 - An available space for a path (an open 'room')
- 0 - A'wall'
- 3 - A visited room
- 7 - A room on a successful path
Your program should:
Start in the upper left corner
Attempt to move in a direction
- Check that the 'room' you want to move into is inside the maze
- Check that the room you want to move to is available (not a wall)
- Check that the room you want to move to has not been visited previously
If the move is not valid try to move in another direction
If the is valid, 'move' into the 'room' and mark it as 'visited' (3)
If no valid move is available, unwind in your recursive call stack to the previous call and try the next direction from there
Repeat until either you've reached the goal or you've determined that there is no path through the maze.
Some suggestions:
Determine what the base cases will be
Your recursive method should return a variable of type boolean.
Your recursive method's signature should accept two parameters only.