
Create a rasci responsible accountable supportive consulted

Deliverable Length: 2 files: MS Project file and Word or Excel file for RASCI matrix

Now that you understand project scope of work, estimated project schedule, and key milestones, it is time to come up with project resources, budget estimation, and different responsibilities for the resources.

Based on the same project from Unit 2, using MS Project, add project resources into the Project file. The estimated budget for different resources should be added to the Project file as well.

•Identify different project resources (costs, materials, work) in the Project file.

•Assign human resources to the tasks in your chosen project. Use job titles and roles for the resources rather than names. For example, potential human resources could be programmers, electricians, and carpenters.

?If you are using the IT project scenario, you will need workers to add the software to the computers. You will also need people to perform all of the other tasks in the project.

•When you have determined all of the resources needed for the tasks, assign these resources (costs, materials, work) to all of the tasks in your project.

•Roll over the overall project budget estimation based on individual costs for different tasks in the MS Project file.

•Create a RASCI (responsible, accountable, supportive, consulted, and informed) matrix based on different project resources in a Word or Excel file.

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Business Management: Create a rasci responsible accountable supportive consulted
Reference No:- TGS02622658

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