1. Create a query that shows the Country, City, CustomerID, and Customer CompanyName for all customers located in France, Spain, or Sweden. Sort the queryby Country, then CompanyName.
2. Create a query that shows the ProductID, ProductName, and UnitPrice for all products with a UnitPrice greater than $50. Sort the query in descending order of UnitPrice.
3. Create a query that shows the CategoryName, ProductID, ProductName, and UnitPrice for all products in the Produce or Seafood categories. Sort the queryin order of CategoryName, then ProductName.
4. Create a query that shows the Supplier CompanyName, CategoryName, ProductID, and ProductName for all products in the Produce or Seafood categories.Sort the query in order of Supplier CompanyName, then CategoryName, then ProductName.
5. Create a query that shows the OrderID, OrderDate, Customer CompanyName, and Country for all orders placed by customers in the United Kingdom. Sort thequery by CompanyName.
6. Create a query that shows the OrderID, OrderDate, Customer CompanyName, ProductName, Quantity, and UnitPrice for all products included in the order. UseUnitPrice from the Order Details table (not the Products table). Only show orders from the companies named “Lonesome Pine Restaurant” or “RattlesnakeCanyon Grocery.” Sort the query by OrderDate, then CompanyName.
7. Create a form that will let you enter data for all fields included in the Customers table.
8. Create a form that shows the CategoryID, CategoryName, and Description for each category, along with the ProductID, ProductName, and UnitPrice for allproducts in that category. The form should have Category in the main form and Products in the subform.
9. Create a well-formatted report that shows the data from the query in Activity #2.
10. Create a well-formatted report that shows the Supplier’s CompanyName, CategoryName, ProductName, and UnitPrice for all products.
11. Create a well-formatted report that shows the data from the query in Activity #6.