
Create a python program for managing media


Create a python program for managing media check-out/check-in with members (i.e. a library) There are two types of Media objects - books and videos:
- Books have title, author, publisher, and number of pages.
- Videos have title, author, publisher, and running time.

There is a Members object:
- Members have name, and can CheckOut and CheckIn books and videos.
- Store a list of checked out items for a member and create a method to display it. To provide general information about the media and members:

- Keep track of how many books and videos are in the library and how many are checked out
- Keep track of how many members are there. Requirements:
- You are to create object oriented code and keep all attributes within the objects.
- Your code is to use demonstrate the concept of inheritance.
- You are to implement the "__repr__ method for print" so that you can print the contents of an object.
- Names used for attributes and methods are to be meaningful and easy to understand.
- Display a confirmation message during check-out/check-in, showing the name of the member and the information of the media.
- A member shall only be allowed to check out 2 items at once.

- Media is a superclass of books and videos - there is no need to create a library class.
- All common attributes and methods should be placed in the superclass.
- Anything specific to the subclasses should be stored and implemented with the subclasses.
- Consider what information should be stored in instance attributes and what in class attributes.
- Members is a standalone class for keeping information about the member.

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Python Programming: Create a python program for managing media
Reference No:- TGS02608313

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