
Create a project that displays information from the

For each of these exercises. create a multitier application if so specfied your instructor.

1 Use a grid control to display customer i idnformation from the Customers table of the Northwind database. therCluistomerlD. Company-Name, ContactName, Region, Pho.neneanudeF

2 Display information from the Employees table inlethes.Northwind database. Populate a drop-down list with the concatenated first and last names sorted in alphabetic order by last name. When a name is selected from the list, display the title, region, and extension on the form.

3 Create a project that displays information from the Products table in the Northwind database. Fill a drop-down list with the product names. When the user selects a product, display these fields: ProductiD, UnitPrice, and UnitsInStock.

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Database Management System: Create a project that displays information from the
Reference No:- TGS01009230

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