
Create a program to calculate deductible travel expenses

For assignment you will create a program to calculate deductible travel expenses for tax purpose.

Part 1-

The program should request as input the following information:

- the name of the organization visited
- the date the user arrived at the organization
- the date the user left the organization
- the location of the visit
- the expenses for meals and entertainment
- airplane fare
- lodging expenses
- taxi fares

All the inputs except the arrival date and the departure date should be entered into the program via text boxes. The arrival date and the departure date are entered via masked text boxes (proper masks need to be set to ensure only dates can be entered). The form should look similar to the following (set the Tab Order as indicated below)

2113_Tab Order.png

When "submit" button is clicked, all the information should be formatted and displayed in a list box as shown in the screen shot below. (Note: number of days should count both the arrival date and the departure date)

When "Clear" button is clicked, all the information in the text boxes and the list boxes will be cleared; send the focus to the text box next to "Organization visited".

Only 50% of the expenses for meals and entertainment are deductible. Therefore, your program will
also calculate and display

- the total except meals and entertainment
- 50% of meals and entertainment
- total deductible expenses
See a sample set of inputs and the output below.

165_Tab Order 1.png

Pay attention to the following when you are working on this assignment:
- Properly naming each control, placing them in an aesthetic manner, anchoring the controls appropriately, setting the tab order property for all controls properly, and providing appropriate labels.
- Declaring variables of appropriate data types, using meaningful variable names.
- Properly formatting the output as shown in the figure above (such as number of decimal places, currency format, blank lines)
- Adequately documenting your code with comments.
- Testing your code (points will be deducted if your code does not compile)

This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Code plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

What to turn in

A zip file containing your entire project folder needs to be uploaded to the dropbox Assignment1 on elearn. After you upload the zip file to the dropbox, please make sure you are able to download that file, unzip it, and open the project in Visual Studio.

If you have questions about how to do this, address them well before the due date.

Part 2-

A person may submit information about multiple business trips. All trips' information should be displayed in the list box. Your program will keep track of the number of trips entered so far and the grand total of deductible expenses for all the trips that have been entered so far. When "Show Summary" button is clicked, the number of trips and the grand total of deductible expenses will be displayed in the second list box.
For example, if the user has entered two trips and the total deductible amounts for these two trips are $1284.10 and $892.73, then the output should be as displayed below.

1026_Tab Order 2.png

In addition, if 5 minutes have passed since the user clicked on any of the buttons, a message dialog box will pop up and show a message informing the user his/her session has expired (see figure below). Once the user clicks on "OK" on the message dialog box, the application will end.

1052_Tab Order 3.png

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Visual Basic Programming: Create a program to calculate deductible travel expenses
Reference No:- TGS01060657

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