Coding Requirements: Create a program to allow a user to create and use student grades and display the associated student IDs, names and grades (number and letter) with the following conditions:
• Form with appropriate controls (i.e. title, buttons, labels, textboxes, listbox, etc. - as needed)
• Allow the user to add a new student (studentID, name, grade) to the program using a structured array
o Perform data validation for studentID, name and grade
• Use a two-dimensional array to convert the number grade for the student to a letter grade (see grading criteria below)
• Allow the user to display the studentID, name, number grade and letter grade
Program Requirements:
• Documentation - Program Name and Description, Author, Date, Comments
• Completeness - Runs without errors
• Creativity - logical design; uniqueness
Grading Criteria:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
65-69 D
<65 F