
Create a program for your organization if you were the top

Assignment : Develop a Global Development Program

This Global Development Program will have a template as I want to read how you would create a program for your organization if you were the top administrator/leader.

Please refer to our course textbook regarding many topics for you to include in your paper. I would begin by reading Chapter 8 as it contains program design content examples and many illustrations of top leadership theorists.

The entire book can help you with YOUR program; no need to cover everything, just what you think is a priority for a startup program; not a startup company.

You can always add to it as you progress as a leader. I hope you can take this assignment and use it in the real world. This is like the first assignment as a portfolio or program has a continual need to be revised.

Be very creative using the textbook information as well as six outside scholarly resources (2010 to 2017/18) to create this program as I have listed some topics to help you critically think in its design.

A template will be issued and must be used to cover these listed topics.

Leading Collaborative Teams are important for you to effectively lead a team. You must create an environment to guarantee that your team works seamlessly together. Learn how to build a functional and successful team, not just a group of people. You could discuss the differences between a group and a team.

Leading Across Cultures is how you will lead your multicultural teams. You must learn the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics needed to assess your organization and your leadership and/or management styles to ensure you are leading a diverse team in the most effective ways imaginable.

Coaching Skills for Leaders is how you must build relationships among your people to succeed. Learn the skills needed to be an effective coach to move your organization forward.

Motivating People to Higher Performance is very important as you must help them learn how to use intrinsic motivational skills, than extrinsic wants and needs. Research Frederick Herzberg's Motivational (Two-Factor) Theory on satisfiers and dissatisfiers. Your job as a leader is to find out why people are unmotivated or just a poor fit for the job and then motivate them when there are real obstacles standing in their way.

In Chapter 5 of the Gundling, Hogan, and Cvitkovich book, review the information under "Expand Ownership" as it pertains to a domestic enterprise, an international company, and the evolution of a global company. Explain in your Global Development Program, how you would take a company from a local market and expand it to a global market.

Chapter 7 of the book is also important as it refers to creating solutions. Many organizations fail at this task, but learning organizations are aware and do create solutions. On page 108 of the book, Gundling, Hogan, and Cvitkovich stated that "Influence across boundaries and third-way solutions represent essential aspects of" creating solutions.

The only difference between a problem and a solution is that people understand the solution.

• Charles Kettering

Please note that I will give you a template that you must use, which has the title page, references page, level headings, page numbers, and is formatted for proper 6th edition APA format. If you choose not to use the template, 5 points will be deducted from this assignment. If you use your own template, I will grade on APA.

Attachment:- Assignment Template.rar

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Dissertation: Create a program for your organization if you were the top
Reference No:- TGS02509610

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