
Create a program for your lego mindstorm nxt robot the

Unit 1 C

Summarize "Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man" by John Markoff from New York Times in a paragraph. In a second paragraph analyze the concerns by concisely stating what alarms the scientists. In a final paragraph, synthesize your own response to the article. Create a document which is clear and concise, free from syntax and semantic errors. The document should be 1 page maximum.

Click The below link to access "Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man" by John Markoff from New York Times.


Unit 1 D

After you have thoroughly read sections 11.1 - 11.3 in chapter 11 of Computer Science: An Overview. Answer the following questions:

1. Draw the search tree that is generated by a breadth-first search in an attempt to solve the eight-puzzle from the following start state without the assistance of any heuristic information. Continue the tree for 5 levels or until a solution is obtained.










2. Draw the search tree that is generated by the best-fit algorithm below in an attempt to solve the eight-puzzle from the state shown in the first problem if the number of tiles out of place is used as a heuristic.
o Establish the start node of the state graph as the root of the search tree and record its heuristic value.
o While(the goal note has not been reached)do
- [Select the leftmost leaf node with the smallest heuristic value of all leaf notes.
- To this selected node attach as children those nodes that can be reached by a single production.
- Record the heuristic of each of these new nodes next to the node in the search tree]

o Traverse the search tree from the goal node up to the root, pushing the production associated with each arc traversed onto a stack..

o Solve the original problem by executing the productions as they are popped off the stack.

Draw the search tree that is generated by the best-fit algorithm as detailed in the previous question in an attempt to solve the eight-puzzle from the following start state, assuming the heuristic used is as follows:

Measure the distance each tile is from its destination and add these values to obtain a single quantity.










When solving the eight-puzzle, why would the number of tiles out of place not be as good a heuristic as the one described in the question above.

Unit 1 E

Read the book of Proverbs in any modern translation of the Bible. Information Technology deals with the concepts of data (raw facts input to the system) and information (useful, processed data used by humans to make decisions). Data and information can be related to the Biblical concepts of knowledge and wisdom (especially as those terms are used in the book of Proverbs). Create a document which shows how the IT and Biblical concepts are related. (What are the similarities between these ideas?)

Your document should also "connect" (relate) a few proverbs to the discipline of Information Technology. In other words, explain how some of the wisdom presented in Proverbs can be used in the field of IT.

Finally, in the document, respond to the claim, "Information can only come from intelligence." Does the Biblical writer of Proverbs argue that information could arise spontaneously in the absence of intelligence? or, does the writer posit the requirement of intelligence to create information? (see especially chapters 1 and 8 of proverbs)

Maximum length of document: 4 pages.Suggested length of document: 3 pages.


Directlink to the book of Proverbs

Be sure to carefully proof-read your document to ensure it is well-written and understandable.

Unit 1 F

Thoroughly read the text The Mind of the Maker. Create a document which summarizes Sayers' claims regarding the "creative mind."

One of Sayers' analogies was illustrating the creative process in the context of a writer. In your own words summarize and explain her analogy.

Two important chapters of The Mind of the Maker are included here online. You will likely be able to answer the question based upon these two chapters. I'm hoping that you'll find her information so interesting that you'll be motivated to purchase the book for yourself.


Maximum length of document: 4 pages.

Suggested length of document: 3 pages.

Be sure to carefully proof-read your document to ensure it is well-written and understandable.

Unit 1 H

Watch this video, "Deep Blue beat G. Kasparov in 1997"


Short answer question (you may answer the question with just a few sentences):

What was Deep Blue's "secret" to beating the world's chess champion?

Suggested length of document: 1 to 2 pages.

Unit 1 I

Use an online "Eliza" / "Chat bot"

perhaps: https://cyberpsych.org/eliza/#.V78hWPkrIdU

or: https://www-ai.ijs.si/eliza/

or any other one you can find that works well.

Carry on two sessions ("conversations"). One session should make Eliza appear intelligent while the other would demonstrate that Eliza is not intelligent.

Create two transcripts ("conversation" listings including your input and Eliza's response). In the first session, carry on a conversation in which Eliza appears intelligent. This conversation should have between 6-8 inputs from you along with 1 more response from Eliza (7-9 responses). The transcript would appear to be a conversation between two intelligent human beings. (Of course, everyone's transcript will be different).

In the second session, carry on a conversation in which Eliza doesn't appear intelligent (makes 'crazy' unrelated responses, for example). This conversation should have between 6-8 inputs from you along with 1 more response from Eliza (7-9 responses). The transcript would appear to be a conversation between an intelligent human being and dumb computer. (Of course, everyone's transcript will be different).
Copy the transcript from Eliza into a word document and upload here. List the intelligent transcript first

Unit 2 A

Click here to access the article by Dr. Fred Brooks:The Computer Scientist as Toolsmith II. Note that Brook's article applies to Information Technology as well as CS. Also note what Brooks believes about AI and its pursuit.

Pdf link: https://www.cs.unc.edu/~brooks/Toolsmith-CACM.pdf

Short answer question (you may answer the question with just a few sentences):

What is the difference between AI and IA according to Brooks?

Unit 2 B

Speculate as to possible ethical issues arising from the use of AI in IT. Create a document which summarizes the issue and then state your own analysis of the situation. Be sure to cite a specific ethical issue that might arise from the use of AI in IT; in other words, don't make a general statement such as "AI will cause ethical issues..." After citing a specific ethical issue, show how and why it is an issue within IT.

Create a document which is clear and concise, free from syntax and semantic errors. Be sure to carefully proof-read your document to ensure it is well-written and understandable.

Unit 2 C

Investigate the DARPA "Robotics Challenge"


What is it? Create a short document which is clear and concise, free from syntax and semantic errors. Be sure to carefully proof-read your document to ensure it is well-written and understandable.

Unit 2 D

In the 1960s and 1970s, there were great expectations ("high hopes") for AI. In the 1980s and 1990s, the field of AI divided into two large "camps." Summarize the position of the two major camps and explain the root cause of the division. (Hints: I refer to the two camps as "strong" and "weak;" the cause deals with the nature of "I" in AI.)

In the 1960s and 1970s many AI researchers felt that we would have "robot servants" within a decade. These robots would have general intelligence and be able to interact with human beings on many levels. By the 1980s and 1990s a number of AI researchers felt the goal was too difficult to achieve.

For additional insight, if helpful, reference my powerpoint overview of AI. It can be found in the attachments.

Maximum length of document: 3 pages

Create a document which is clear and concise, free from syntax and semantic errors. Be sure to carefully proof-read your document to ensure it is well-written and understandable

Unit 2 E

Locate a recent article (less than 1 month old) which deals with some aspect of AI. Summarize the article and provide your reaction to it.

Create a document which is clear and concise, free from syntax and semantic errors. The document should be 1 page maximum.

Unit 2 F

Thoroughly read the text The Mind of the Maker. Create a document which updates her analogies for creation from an "artist/writer" to an "Information Technologist." That is, express the 3-part creative process in the framework of information technology.

One of Sayers' analogies was illustrating the creative process in the context of a writer. Update the analogy and show how the creative process is carried out by an information technologist.

Two important chapters of The Mind of the Maker are included here online. You will likely be able to answer the question based upon these two chapters. I'm hoping that you'll find her information so interesting that you'll be motivated to purchase the book for yourself.


Maximum length of document: 3 pages.

Suggested length of document: 2 pages.

Be sure to carefully proof-read your document to ensure it is well-written and understandable. You document should have a title page with your name.

Unit 2 G

Read this article by Hubert Dreyfus ...

Read this article by Prof. Hubert Dreyfus, link


Short answer question (you may answer the question with just a few sentences):

Does Dreyfus support the goals of Strong AI research? Explain.

Unit 2 H

Read "Hans MoravecSrong AI," an early article about Strong AI research entitled: "Will you live on in the mind of a Computer?"

Please Find it in Attachments.

Short answer question (you may answer the question with just a few sentences):

Does Moravec support the goals of Strong AI research? Explain.

Unit 3 C

Speculate as to the use of expert systems in IT ...

Think about the possible uses of expert systems in Information Technology. Speculate as to a good use of an expert system in some area of IT. For example, an expert system might be used to: configure multiple servers, troubleshoot system problems, perform a help-desk function, optimize database server loads, plan optimum routes for sales calls, maximize equipment investment by determining product replacement timings, determine which specific programmers should participate in a particular development project, etc.

Choose an example expert system for IT and then show, 1) why it is a good use of AI in IT, 2) state the tradeoffs between the use of the AI expert system versus using human experts to solve the problem, and 3) discuss some of the knowledge engineering issues that will arise

Unit 4 A

Investigate Face++ at https://www.faceplusplus.com/demo-detect/

Feel free to browse to other similar sites

Explain the difference between face detection and face recognition. Give an example use of each in IT.

Unit 4 C

Browse to https://www.robotvirtualworlds.com/

Investigate programming in Lego Mindstorms

If you would rather use actual, physical robots, you may borrow them from the department; contact your instructor

Mindstorms line following ...

Based upon your investigation of the Lego Mindstorms robot and language, answer the following questions related to the "line following" program:

1) explain the algorithm for the line following program; precisely describe how the robot is able to follow a line.

2) explain why the robot doesn't move in a straight line (why does it wobble); in order words, explain what it is doing while it is "following a line.

Unit 4 D

Create a program for your Lego Mindstorm NXT robot. The program will allow the robot to "patrol" in a bounded area. The area will be a white background bounded by a thick black line. Your robot must continue moving within the bounded area, but must not leave the bounded area (or stop).

Be sure you understand the following beforehand:

1 - the line following program
2 - the switch block
3 - the light sensor

To solve this problem, remember the steps in IT problem-solving. First, understand the problem. Second, plan the solution. Third, create the code. Fourth, test the solution. You don't need access to the robot or software for steps 1 and 2. Give some thought to how you would solve the problem before considering the code to implement that solution.


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