Q: Create a program that computes the annual road tax (vehicle excise duty) charges for three types of vehicles: vans, cars and motorcycles.
The road tax rate is calculated as follows for each type of vehicle:
Light goods vehicles weighing less than 3500kg are charged at 165 GBP (British Pounds); otherwise they are charged at 190 GBP.
All cars registered on or before 1 March 2001 are charged according to their engine size (in cc). A car with an engine size of less than or equal to 1550cc is charged at 110 GBP; otherwise it is charged at 165 GBP.
If the date of car's registration is after 1 March 2001, the annual road tax charge is calculated according to the CO2 emission of the vehicle. The table below displays the different road tax charges for this criterion.
(Hint: see the API documentation for the Date and DateFormat class)
Petrol Car
CO2 Emission Figure (g/km) 12 months rate in GBP
Up to 100 65.00
101 to 120 75.00
121 - 150 105.00
151 - 165 125.00
166 - 185 145.00
Over 185 160.00
Table 1: Road tax charges for private vehicles registered on or after 1 March 2001
Motorcycles are charged according to their engine size (in cc). The following table displays the list of road tax charges according to this criterion.
Motorcycles (with or without sidecar) 12 months rate in GBP
Not Over 150cc 15.00
151cc - 400cc 30.00
401cc - 600cc 45.00
All other motorcycles 60.00
Table 2: Road tax charges for motorcycles
Create an invoicing system that will ask the user to input a vehicle's
a) Manufacturer name (e.g. Toyota)
b) Model (e.g. Avensis)
c) Date of registration (e.g. 17/12/2002)
Depending on the type of vehicle (van, car or motorcycle), the program should proceed to produce an invoice containing the above input details as well as the amount of road tax charge to be paid for that particular vehicle.
Output screen 1 displays the program's results for a car registered before 1 March 2001 (based on engine size), while output screen 2 displays the same program's results for a car registered after 1 March 2001 (based on CO2 emission).
You must use inheritance when creating classes for the various types of vehicles, and the program should not crash if the user inputs incorrect data. The code must be well explained.