
Create a profile of a celebrity of choice


Profile Assignment

Create a profile of a celebrity of your choice. Think about why you fmd this person interesting; they're smart, hardworking, funny, generous, unusual, and so on. Research what others have to say about this person to collect a variety of viewpoints and possibly to gain new insights. Paint a verbal portrait of this person that views him or her from a specific angle and that captures something essential-an idea, social cause, insight, or theme. Include at least two outside sources (you may use more) to profile your celebrity.

This profile should begin with some basic background on the celebrity - be sure you tell us why this person is famous just in case it's someone that not everyone might know. Use the outline you created to help you structure your profile. After the introductory material, you should have a thesis: three major reasons why you admire this person. Support each of those reasons with some details and examples.

Your profile can be created in one of these three ways (choose only one!):

1. Design a mock magazine article. Your article should include all the same information you would include in an essay but presented with photos or graphics and in the same kind of layout you might see in a magazine. You can use whatever program you like to create the article, including just using MS Word. Check out the templates in MS Word for "newsletter" and you'll find some cool layouts. Be sure to cite the sources you use - you can do this as footnotes if you like.

2. Create a slide show presentation about your celebrity with MS PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. You can include photos, short video clips, etc. Be sure to cite the sources you use - you can do this either as a single slide at the end of the presentation or as footnotes on the slide where the info appears.

3. Write a traditional essay. The essay should be 2 to 3 pages, with your sources cited within the text when you use them and on a Works Cited page at the end. Make sure that your profile is written in MLA format.

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Essay Writing: Create a profile of a celebrity of choice
Reference No:- TGS03167341

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