Create an inventory Table from the data in Table 5-8. Also include an Amount field and a Priority field. Both are calculated columns. Amount equals Inventory times price. Create a Priority Code table in the range I1:J6 using the data shown in table 5-9. Use the VLOOKUP function to determine the Priority to assign each record. Add the total row to the table. Put the worksheet in a landscape orientation using Fit to option.
Table 5-8 Educational Percussion, Inc. Inventory List
Item Number Description Inventory Price
B60338 Bar Chime 619 14.25
M4910 Maraca 873 9.50
C71610 Castanet 579 1 7.60
S80787 Shekere 537 22.50
T36275 Tambourine 754 12.45
T74695 Triangle 208 8.30
W59366 Woodblock 268 7.95
C24890 Clave 385 13.80
C87343 Cabasa 387 14.05
W15840 Whistle 699 6.85
C49955 Cowbell 237 18.25
Table 5-9 Priority Codes
Inventory Priority
0 1
250 2
400 3
600 4
800 5