Create a ppt about your fictional healthcare business

Homework: Business Plan's

Create a formal PowerPoint (PPT) about your fictional Healthcare Business. You are preparing a presentation for your executive leadership team. The business plan must be related to the healthcare field (e.g., a doctor's office, a home healthcare practice, a new hospital, etc.).

A business plan's basic components include a current and pro forma balance sheet, an income statement, and a cash flow analysis. It allows leaders to make appropriate resource allocations, handle unforeseen complications, and make efficient, logical, evidence-based decisions. Because it provides specific and organized information about your company and how you will repay borrowed money, a good business plan is a crucial part of any loan package. Additionally, it can inform sales personnel, suppliers and others about your operations and goals. Your business plan should precisely define your business and identify your goals. It serves as your company's resume

The business plan should include the following main elements.

• Title Page

• Table of Contents

• Executive Summary

o The executive summary should contain a well-written and concise summary of the entire plan: Concise summary AND SWOT analysis

• Organizational Plan (see Exhibit 25-3):

o Describe your business. Name it. Describe your idea; purpose, mission, vision, background information, and description of the product and or service. The business must be related to the healthcare field (e.g., a doctor's office, a home healthcare practice, a new hospital, etc.)

o Physical location where service and/or equipment that will be provided

o The department responsible for the budget

o The division responsible for operations

o The directly responsible supervisor

o Composition of the overall management team

• Marketing Plan (see Exhibit 25-4):

o Healthcare providers who will use the service or equipment

o New and/or established patients who will use the service or equipment

o Estimated portion of the market to be captured

o Competition and its impact

• Financial Plan (Fictional)

o The financial analysis for a business plan should contain a forcast of operations.

o This section should contain the numbers that illustrate how the service is expected to operate over an initial period of time (based on the requirements of your fictional organization).

o It's possible your financial plan will at minimum have a cash flow statement and could possibly also require a balance sheet and an income statement.

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

o The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

o The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

o Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Business Management: Create a ppt about your fictional healthcare business
Reference No:- TGS03180932

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