
Create a powerpoint presentation that summarizes your

Create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your Practicum Change Project.

Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare Practicum

The practicum is designed to help you develop as a scholar practitioner and health leader to promote positive social change in your community. The practicum is an active learning experience that provides you with the opportunity to apply nursing knowledge and skills that you are acquiring in NURS 4020 to current or past experiences in a healthcare setting. The practicum is comprised of selected onsite experiences and weekly practicum discussions. Throughout your practicum experience you will collaborate with leaders and other colleagues, with fellow students in practicum discussion groups, and with your faculty. Each week of the course outlines specific activities or reflections you will engage in during your practicum as you complete your proposed Practicum Change Project.

The following is a list of the weekly, project-related discussions and activities.

• Discussion: Identify a Change Project

• Discussion: Apply Change Theory to the Proposed Change

• Attend a multidisciplinary team meeting

• Interview a leader from another clinical discipline

• Discussion: Best ways to communicate change

• Discussion: Manage resources for the Practicum Change Project

• Discussion: Address Quality and Safety Issues

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Other Subject: Create a powerpoint presentation that summarizes your
Reference No:- TGS01160754

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4/28/2016 6:53:11 AM

The main task of the assignment illustrated below is to prepare a PowerPoint presentation which sum up your Practicum Change Project. The topic of the presentation is Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare Practicum in which you have to: 1) Discuss: Recognize a Change Project. 2) Discuss: Implement Change Theory to the Proposed Change. 3) Attend a multidisciplinary team meeting. 4) Interview a leader from the other clinical discipline. 5) Discuss: Best manners to communicate the change. 6) Discuss: Administer the resources for the Practicum Change Project 7) Discuss: Address the Quality and Safety Issues