
Create a powerpoint presentation summarizing each of these

I am not looking for a direct answer but more along the lines of ideas towards my topic. I am doing research on the side with ayahuasca and I hope to conduct an actual experiment/survey/etc to gain more knowledge so I may present my findings one day scientifically. I live very close to a center and have been invited to do so when I am ready. I want to conduct a real survey or experiment for this assignment. However, I am having trouble coming up with a concept related to SOCIAL psychology. Since I probably do not have the funds to conduct an actual experiment I thought the survey would be best. I had somewhat of an idea to focus on the social groups that participate in the Ceremony but how to conduct a survey with the right topic in the social department I'm a little lost. There is a forums group of people who actually participate in these ceremonies so I am able to reach out in this form as well. Any help would be kindly appreciated or even a point in the right direction. Thank you for your time.

You will be conducting your own "mini" research project. First, you will be responsible for coming up with one testable research idea during the course. This can be anything that you have ever wanted to know about what people do and about why people do what they do. You then need to design a study that will test your idea. This includes who your participants will be, what you will ask them to do, and where/when they will do it. However, you will not need to actually run the study, so you can be as creative as possible to design the best possible study. Instead, you will decide what you believe the results of your study would be, if you did run it. Finally, you will need to explain what the importance of the research is and what benefits would result from running your proposed study.

To put all of this together, you will create a PowerPoint presentation summarizing each of these aspects. In addition, you will need to provide one figure of your choice that illustrates what you expect. In total, the presentation should be 5-15 slides in length, and must be upload by April 23 at 11:59pm. No late presentations will be accepted. The grading rubric for this assignment is attached, as is a sample presentation for your reference.

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Financial Accounting: Create a powerpoint presentation summarizing each of these
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