Create a powerpoint presentation of your research plan

Assignment task:

For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation of your research plan that you have been developing in Unit III. Your PowerPoint presentation must contain the elements below: a title and introduction slide, nine slides of content (refer to the unit lesson for a sample format), and reference slide(s). Your presentation should clearly demonstrate your plan to answer your research question and show the hypotheses. It should demonstrate your understanding of the different types of research methods and approaches by explaining your rationale in your selections. It should demonstrate your understanding of data sampling and distributions. Then write a two-page persuasive and detailed description of your data analysis plan in a Word document. You must start with an introduction and then provide a discussion that demonstrates strong evidence of critical thinking. Explain your choices and strategy for data analysis. Explain the data sampling and distribution aspects of your plan. You must use at least three academically reliable sources to support your discussion, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library.

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Other Subject: Create a powerpoint presentation of your research plan
Reference No:- TGS03416972

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