
Create a powerpoint presentation for the executive

Bay Ridge Security Consulting Bay Ridge Security Consulting (BRSC) provides security consulting services to a wide range of businesses, individuals, schools, and organizations. Because of its reputation and increasing demand for its services, BRSC has partnered with a local school to hire students close to graduation to assist them on specific projects. This not only helps BRSC with their projects but also provides realworld experience to students who are interested in the security field. Breakaways is a regional restaurant chain serving "quick casual" food such as sandwiches, soups, and salads. Each location also provides free wireless LAN access to its customers. Recently, one of the locations was successfully attacked with personal customer information stolen, such as names, e-mail addresses, birthdates, and other similar information. The attack was traced to a manager's account that used Susan as the password. The director of IT has proposed that the system convert from using passwords to another method of authentication, although the WLAN for its customers would still be open. Breakaways has asked BRSC to make a presentation to their management about the risks of passwords and what the other authentication options are, and BRSC has asked you to help them.

1. Create a PowerPoint presentation for the executive management about passwords, tokens, cards, and biometrics. Include the advantages and disadvantages of each. Your presentation should contain at least 10 slides.

2. After the presentation, one of Breakaways' vice presidents contacted you. She recently read an article in a trade magazine about SSO and believes that Breakaways could continue to use passwords but replace them with an SSO system to prevent future attacks. Create a memo to this vice president about SSO and how it could or could not address Breakaways' problem.

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Basic Computer Science: Create a powerpoint presentation for the executive
Reference No:- TGS02203678

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