Create a powerpoint presentation and include the elements

Create a PowerPoint presentation and include the elements of- Defining the U.S. healthcare system with the assigned topics of my curriculum?
Introduction: Include a title slide. Next, include an introductory slide where you introduce yourself and explain what you are about to present.

Part I: The U.S. Healthcare System - Define the U.S. healthcare system by addressing the items below:

• Describe the history of the U.S. health care system. Include at least three of the revolutionary factors (e.g., teacher's union in Dallas, Texas; the American Medical Association; Civil War, and the First Marine Hospital, etc.). Chapter two in our textbook discusses the evolution of our system and is a good resource for this part of your presentation.

• Identify at least one major development from each of the following: financial, legal, ethical, regulatory, and social [i.e., consumer demand]) that transformed the system into what it is today. You may want to revisit the health care timelines available in your course textbook.

• Differentiate the stakeholders and their roles (i.e., health care professionals, clients [patients], government, colleges, and health care agencies.

o Include the positive and negative contributions of how they affect our health care system.

• Describe the history of the U.S. health care system. Include at least three of the revolutionary factors (e.g., the teacher's union in Dallas, Texas; The American Medical Association; Civil War, first Marine Hospital, etc.). Chapter two in our textbook discusses the evolution of our healthcare system and is a good resource for this part of the presentation.

• Identify at least one major development from each of the following: financial, legal, ethical, regulatory, and social [e.g., consumer demand] that transformed the system into what it is today. You may want to revisit the healthcare timeline.

• Differentiate the stakeholders and their roles (e.g., healthcare professionals, clients [patients], health insurance organizations, government,colleges, and health care agencies

Creating Part 1 of the Final Presentation for the Week 3 Assignment

Part 1 of the Final Presentation must:

• Be 5 to 7 slides (excludes the title slide and reference slides) and be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

• Be presented using Microsoft PowerPoint slide presentation. You have a choice of one of the following options for adding the narrative to your presentation. Option 2 is adding speaker notes to each slide.

o Option 2: Using speaker notes for each slide in the PPT. You can review the tutorial using this link: adding speaker notes to your presentation. You can also click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement , and the Privacy Policy.

Speaker notes are the typed notes that appear below the slide that complement the presentation slides. Whereas the slides will have short bulleted items, the speaker notes will be more detailed. They are essentially what the presenter would say during the presentation to explain each of the bulleted points on the slide. Therefore, it is important that the speaker notes are concise and detailed when explaining the bullet points.
o It is recommended that PowerPoint Slides contain no more than five bullet points and should not contain more than 5 - 7 words each. Do not type paragraphs or long sentences on the slide. The information that explains each bullet point is conveyed via speaker notes or by recording your voice to each slide.

o It is required that the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation include the use of a voice or speaker notes. If you choose to use the voice capabilities within PowerPoint, you must include your citations in the speaker notes for each slide.

• Be visually engaging. For assistance with designing the visuals for your presentation, view the video Don McMillan: Life after death by PowerPoint (click on the following links to view the Accessibility Statement or the Privacy Policy) or the PowerPoint Best Practices tool.

• Include a title slide with the following:

o Title of the presentation
o Student name
o Course name and number
o Instructor name
o Date submitted

• Address the sections in the order outlined above (Introduction, Part I, II, III, and IV).

• Present the issues with critical thought.

• Use at least two scholarly sources (none of which should be media commentary)


Kearney, P., &Engh, C. (1997). History of the American health care system: its cost control programs and incremental reform. Orthopedics, 20(3), 236-249.

Jost, T. S. (2012). Eight Decades of Discouragement: The History of Health Care Cost Containment in the USA. Forum For Health Economics & Policy, 15(3), 53-82. doi:10.1515/fhep-2012-0009

• Document all sources in APA format (including graphics, charts and pictures that may be used within the presentation). Wikimedia Commons is a recommended source for creative commons images (to view the privacy policy, click here).

• Include a separate reference slide formatted according to APA style

• If you are unable to access the technology for this assignment due to a documented accommodations on file with the Office of Access and Wellness, inform your instructor as soon a

Include the positive and negative contributions of how they affect the health care system).

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Dissertation: Create a powerpoint presentation and include the elements
Reference No:- TGS02156914

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