
Create a powerpoint poster of research project - there is a

Create a powerpoint poster of research project.

Hypothesis is that there is a negative association between technology and communication apprehension. Virtual realities negatively affect our communication apprehension.

The independent variable would be technology, while the dependent variable is communication apprehension.

The poster should have the following parts: (1) abstract, (2) brief rationale (literature review, hypotheses, (3) method (participants, procedure & instrumentation), (4) results (may include graphs or charts), (5) discussion or conclusion (with limitations), and (6) references.

The results in the excel you will use for the assignment and an image example of how the project should look. Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me to assist with the assignment and your quote.

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Dissertation: Create a powerpoint poster of research project - there is a
Reference No:- TGS02819604

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