Question 1: Helmut's family recently emigrated from Hungary. Helmut does not speak English, but is fluent in his native language. It is the beginning of a new school year.
- Which stage of Second Language Acquisition would you expect Helmut to be in?
- How long do you anticipate he will remain in this stage?
- Briefly explain each stage of Second Language Acquisition.
- Why is it important for teachers to know the level of language acquisition?
- Also, include a discussion of 'scaffolded' instruction with specific examples of how scaffolding will assist ELL's learning.
Question 2: In the question above (#1).
- What educational supports will you provide for Helmut?
- How will you structure your classroom to create a positive learning environment? (list at least ten specific supports mentioned in Hill and Flynn and other Module III materials)
- Discuss what reinforcements you would use to support Helmut's English language skills.
Question 3: Please create a workshop to train your faculty peers to effectively work with English Language Learners and a one-page handout that lists seven strategies.
- What seven strategies would you include? List and clearly explain each.
- Which three strategies do you feel are most important? Why?
Question 4:
- Define and explain the term, 'nonlinguistic representations.'
- Give at least 5 examples and clearly explain how each is used.
- How would you use nonlinguistic representations with each stage of Second Language Acquisition?
Question 5: Cooperative learning is a key element in any classroom setting but is particularly valuable when working with English Language Learners.
- What are the five elements of cooperative learning you can use in your classroom? (Briefly explain how you would use each.)
- What is one example of a small or large group activity that will enhance the learning of an ELL?
- How can you incorporate cues and questioning in your cooperative learning groups? (You will need to be creative to respond to this one?)