Create a podcast discussing music and movement

Problem: Create a podcast discussing music and movement and its implications for early childhood education.

Use the materials and readings from this unit to inform and guide your discussion. Don't forget that a podcast is not a written paper, it is a lively way to tell a story. The arts can be powerful storytellers and in this assessment, you are to roll up the sleeves and get creative, make sounds, include songs, sing yourself, there are so many ways you can bring the languages of the arts together through this podcast.

You could:

  • Interview someone (a peer, a child, a colleague, an expert in ECE, an artist or musician)
  • Share a personal story about music from your life or your childhood.
  • Examine how particular music, movement or drama experience is implemented in an ECE setting.
  • Discuss some of the ways that your understanding of music and movement has been challenged by this unit.
  • Focus on a particular musician's work (for example, a musician or sound artist in the sessions or any other artist of interest) and how it could be used in an ECE setting.
  • Document the process of implementing a music, movement or drama experience with young children.
  • BE CREATIVE!!! The above are just ideas, there are many more ways that you can show an understanding of the unit content and create an excellent podcast for this assessment task.

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Reference No:- TGS03372555

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