
Create a plan to enter health care market of uk

Introduction: our plan to enter the UK healthcare which is controlled by NHS. our company is netlogx and we want to enter the market by doing Risk management services to NHS. so my group and I decided to make an app for NHS. this app will contain two sections. the first one is helping NHS clients. the second one is about helping NHS with their suppliers. here are the things we will be providing to them in the app

• search product name

• the app will help you get all suppliers of the same product

• also will tell you a description about the product

• it will show you comments by users about the product 2.Suppliers

• search product name

• all suppliers of the product

• product description

• company information and description. basically my group wants me to write an introduction about the app. I think a page or less will be enough to introduce the app and its services and thats our plan to enter the market.

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Marketing Management: Create a plan to enter health care market of uk
Reference No:- TGS01766285

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