
Create a plan to address the health promotion goal

How can caregivers and physicians reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer in older adults?

Research Questions:

i. How can caregivers and physicians reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer in older adults?

ii. How can Advanced Role Practitioners (ARPs) deal with the health challenges associated with colorectal cancer in older citizens?

Keep in mind that this is a health promotion project and not a research study. HP 2020 goal is not clearly identified. The paper must clearly state the goal. There is a plan to address the health promotion problem. The importance of the project is clear. Resources to provide data and information are not described. What resources will you use to gather data and information to create the plan such as the online library, websites, etc? Continue to work on sentence structure and citing references.

Please review the grading rubric so all required information is include in the paper.


Created a plan to address the health promotion goal.

Identified an appropriate goal from Healthy People.

Provided an explanation of the importance of the project relative to the students’ future advanced practice role.

Identify resources to provide data and information for this project.

Followed APA guidelines:

Problems with sentence structure and citing references

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Other Subject: Create a plan to address the health promotion goal
Reference No:- TGS01435149

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