Assignment task: Management Plan
Patient is 48 years of age, NKA who comae c/o mood swing that started a year ago with
- Episodic feelings of heat with sweating lasting less than 5 minutes
- Frequent nighttime awakenings with excessive fatigue for months
- Decrease in libido
Use the expert diagnosis (Menopause) provided to create a pertinent, comprehensive, evidenced-based management plan.
Address the following criteria in the plan:
1.) Diagnostic tests;
2.) Medications (write out a complete order, even for OTC meds);
3.) Suggested consults/referrals;
4.) Patient education
5.) Follow-up, including time interval and specific symptoms to prompt a return visit sooner;
6.) Provide rationales for each intervention and include references to support your plan. Clinical practice guidelines should be utilized as applicable.