
Create a persuasive and argumentative essays

Discuss the below in detail:

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Section 1:

Point of View: In personal writing, the point of view is usually in the form of the first person, which means you will use pronouns like "I, Me, and My" (Connell & Sole, 2013). For the persuasive and argumentative writing style, multiple points of view could be used. Second person could be used effectively to speak directly to your audience in persuasive papers. A third person point of view would be most common in expository and argumentative writing because each style is focused on facts, not personal experiences.

Structure: The best structure for a personal paper is to tell the story from beginning to end, in chronological order. All the other writing styles will have more structure than a personal essay, which would include an introduction, a strong thesis statement, body, and conclusion. Persuasive, argumentative, and expository papers will contain several cited supporting details in the body of the paper, as well as a reference page. The text states that the information in an expository paper should be arranged in chronological order, especially when writing about procedures or directions (Connell & Sole, 2013).

Tone: As described in the text, the tone of personal writing will be less formal, can be more conversational, and may also allow the use of contractions (Connell & Sole, 2013). The persuasive writing style tone will primarily focus on logic and reasoning. You should attract attention by using emotional appeal in persuasive papers, but should be cautious on not overusing emotion or using it in the wrong way, such as attacking others. The tone and language of the argumentative and expository writing style should be primarily based on evidence and data, not necessarily based on your feelings or beliefs.

Section 2

The week two journal entry most closely resembles a combination paper of expository and personal writing. It is primarily an expository paper because of key phrases like, "State the purpose, explain, and describe". In the assignment, you are also required to include a quote while citing the source. The only reason it would have a personal writing style component is that one of the instructions states, "Explain why you think." The term "think" in that sentence is asking for an opinion about the specific topic.

Section 3

Do any of you struggle with not using the first-person point of view when you are required to use a different writing style? Do you have any best practices to share that have helped you?


Connell, C.M., & Sole, K. (2013) Essentials of college writing

Manage Discussion Entry

The reading assignment week explored three different genres of writing, and they are personal, persuasive, and expository. Each technique has its purpose, and while some of the styles carry over into each other, there are noticeable differences. College writing can employ all the methods. However, the majority of the writing will be expository. I will be using expository writing as my baseline for comparisons between the three techniques.

Tone and Language

Expository writing focuses more on severe subjects and does not use emotion to persuade its readers but instead sticks to facts and uses formal language. However, persuasive writing will stimulate strong passion in its readers and mixed with logic and reasoning. Personal writing is less formal than the two others and may include dialogue to engage the readers in the text.

Point of View

The point of view for expository is considered unbiased and focuses on the subject matter. The information is presented fairly and accurately and should not disclose the writer's personal opinion. However, personal and persuasive will rely on the individual's opinion and there own personal biases. While writing persuasive papers consideration is taken understand the audience and build upon common understandings. Personal writings are based on the writer's viewpoint.
Structure and Supporting Ideas

Structure has a lot of common elements between the three methods. Arranging thoughts in sequence and presenting in a manner that unfolds ideas and thoughts in a logical order is an example. Personal papers may not necessarily have a thesis statement, but it will have an opening paragraph identifying what will unfold in the story. Persuasive and expository will contain an introduction, body and a conclusion. Headings may or may not be present in persuasive and expository depending on the length of the writing. Personal writings do not have headings to divide thoughts but rather the thoughts are spread out over multiple paragraphs.

Journal Writing

I wrote the week two journal in the personal genre of writing. I relayed my point of view of what I was reading based on my opinion. If it were to be persuasive, I would have declared more definitively the reasoning behind my thoughts.

Question for my colleagues

What form of reading do you prefer, Personal, Expository or Persuasive?


Connell, C.M., & Sole, K. (2013) Essentials of college writing (2ed)

Personal Writing, the Tone, and language of a personal essay should be less formal and more conversational. The piece may include dialogue and should be placed correctly in quotations. Many times, personal writing is in the First-person form and contains pronouns such as "I," "me," "us," and "we." the structure of personal writing tells a story from beginning to end. There are no headings, and there is a narrative, from the person writing the essay.

Persuasive and argumentative essays are different as they are meant to convince the reader of a point of view. Persuasive and argumentative writings are similar but not identical. Persuasive relies more on the emotions of the reader to get them to agree with their point of view, while argumentative is more logical and lead to one conclusion. The forms of these essays have to be well written and clear. These essays must be well-organized beginning to end, to prove the author's point or persuade the audience.

Expository: Point of view - Exposition essays focus on subject matter. Most likely written in third- person point of view. Structure Exposition essays must have an introduction to a clear thesis. They have to be written in priority, sequence or chronological order. Modifications and the usage of signal words are important Tones - Expository writing uses facts and supporting statistics, words that are crystal-clear and descriptive.

My journal entry most closely resembles the personal essay method, because in writing based on my own experience.

Question: Does a slanted or biased opinion affect the tone no matter the type of genre?


Connell, Christene M., Sole, Kathy. (2013). Essentials of College Writing 2nd Edition. (n.p.): Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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