
Create a personal well-being program

The purpose of this assignment is to create a personal well-being program that relates to one of the domains of wellness that is found in the Wellness Inventory. Utilize the personal goals and action plan that you have developed as a basis for this program; you may focus on any of the 12 categories in the Wellness Inventory.

Identify a theory-based relationship between self-care and health promotion through an exploration of the literature. Select and employ evidence-based wellness interventions and develop a plan of self-care that will promote well-being and reinforce lifelong learning. 

Instructions and grading rubric for this assignment:

I Introduction: 10%

Discuss the decision making process that drove the choice and design of your program. This part of the project should be more informal, as though you are talking about your work in a storytelling style. 

II Theoretical Framework: 10%

Select and discuss the assumptions, structure, and process of the model or theory of change that you utilized and why that particular choice was useful for you.

III Literature Synthesis: 40%

Synthesize findings from a variety of sources that include the: 
• Healthy People 2020 National Health Objectives. Select and discuss why you are including a particular objective or objectives in your program
• Evidence-based literature that is germane to the topic of your program 
(3 article minimum)
• Self-Care literature (2 article minimum)
• Embodied Learning Literature (1 article minimum)
Discuss how these findings relate to your program and why they are meaningful to your personal health. Also, discuss how each of these areas of study and/or research supported your work. You may use some of the same literature that you collected for the Wellness Map, if appropriate. 

IV Self-Care Plan and Conclusions: 30% 

Discuss how your program functions. Include your SMART goals and Action Plans. 
What interventions did you use? How did you experience Embodied Learning? Create a chart, table, or your choice of method that will convey how your program developed and was successful. Discuss how you met your goals and reflect upon the process of building your personal program.

...you can create a smart goal and action plan....smart goal should be based exercise...you can a action plan as scuh spend more time loved one. 

let me know what else you need to finish... 8 pages...Please use APA format and citations 

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English: Create a personal well-being program
Reference No:- TGS056675

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