
Create a password for them password should not be printed


For this lab, use Scanner, data types and multiple methods with parameters and returns to take in data from the user and print out their "new account" information, including the following features:

1) main should use Scanner to collect the user's first name, last name, state and zip code (optional to collect more user data).

2) a email address method* should use their first initial and last name to create an email address for them (Homer Simpson would yield <..n@company got it be in email form at the end) - this email should not be printed by the method, just returned.

3) a password method* should use the users last name, state and zip code to create a password for them (Simpson in Washington 98030 would yield SimpsonWashington98030) - this password should not be printed by the method, just returned.

4) another method (of your choice) should also be created in a similar format to the above - security question? backup account? something else?

5) After the methods run, a new account summary should print out all of the users data (Full Name, email, password, etc) in a readable and visually formatted way of your choosing.

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JAVA Programming: Create a password for them password should not be printed
Reference No:- TGS03242074

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