
Create a new eclipse project titled

Follow the steps detailed below. Make sure your provide good Javadoc comments for all your classes and methods.

Step 1: Create BankAccount class
Create a new eclipse project titled Lab6-JUnit. Create BankAccount class under package core. It should have the following attributes and methods:
• accountNumber - String
• accountHolder - String
• balance - double (balance without interest added)
• accountType - int (Account type can be either 1 - Savings, 2 - Award Savers, 3 - Checking,
or 4 for Credit Card, anything other than these values should set to 0)
• Two constructors:
- default constructor (no parameters): Set balance=0, accountType=0, accountNum- ber="none", accountHolder="Unknown"
- Other constructor accepts user entered values for all attributes
• Gets and sets for all attributes (You don't have to type up all the get and set methods. Use
Eclipse to generate them automatically. Click on Source → Generate Getters and Setters).
• Method calculateTotalBalance() - returns the balance of the account after the interest has been applied. Formula for calculating the balance is: totalBalance = balance + (balance ∗
interestRate/100). The interest rate depends on the accountType: - Savings: interest is 0.5%
- Award Savings: interest is 4.5%
- Checking: interest is 1.0%
- CreditCard: interest is 15%
- Other: return 0
• Method getInterestRate that returns the interest rate depending on the type of account
Step 2: Create a TestCase
Create a TestCase class titled BankAccountTest (New → Java → JUnitTestCase) under pack- age test. Check appropriate method stubs you would like to create. You can create setUp(), tearDown() methods are run before and after, respectively, each test case is run. You can create setUpBeforeClass(), tearDownAfterClass() methods only run when the test case class is first in- stantiated and terminated respectively. You can browse the application to the class that you wish to test and select appropriate methods that you plan to test, or this could be left blank if you will generate the class while creating the test. Test calculateTotalBalance and getInterestRate methods of BankAccount class.
Below is a test case template that tests a List class. This test class demonstrates the basic func- tionality of the setUp() and tearDown() methods, and gives example test cases.
import org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class SampleTest {
private List emptyList;
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
* Sets up the test fixture (Called before every test case method.)
public void setUp() throws Exception {
emptyList = new ArrayList();
* Tears down the test fixture (Called after every test case method.)
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
emptyList = null;

public void testSomeBehavior() {
assertEquals("Empty list should have 0 elements", 0, emptyList.size());
public void testAnotherBehavior() {
assertTrue(emptyList.size() == 0);

Step 3: Create a TestSuite
A TestSuite is a simple way of running one program that, in turn, runs all test cases at one time. Create a TestSuite class titled Lab6TestSuite under package test. You have to provide names of test classes you would like to include in the test suite using the annotation @SuiteClasses (Test1.class, Test2.class, Test3.class).
Below is a test suite template. This test suite demonstrates the basic functionality of the suite() method, which is what you add each of the test cases to the suite in. This should all be generated for you by Eclipse if you use the eclipse wizard to create the Test Suite as explained above. Do not forget to change the class name to Lab6TestSuite.
import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
@SuiteClasses({ BankAccountTest.class })
public class Lab6TestSuite {
Execute the test cases by right clicking on Lab6TestSuite, Select Run → JUnitTestCase. Make sure the tests run successfully.
Step 4: Create Customer class
Create another class titled Customer under package core. It should have the following attributes and methods:
• name - String
• streetAddress - String • city - String
• state - String
• zip - String
• age - int
• Constructor that accepts name and address values and sets the attributes.
• Gets and sets for all attributes (You don't have to type up all the get and set methods. Use
Eclipse to generate them automatically. Click on Source → Generate Getters and Setters).
• Method displayAddress() - returns a string that has the complete formatted address with
street address, city, state, and zip (you can choose how you want to format it).
• Method displayAddressLabel() - returns a string that has the Customer's name along with
the complete formatted address (you can choose how you want to format it).
Also create a TestCase class titled CustomerTest to test displayAddress and displayAddressLabel methods. Add this test case to Lab6TestSuite and run the tests. Make sure all tests are successful.
Assertion Statement Reference
This is a list of the different types of assertion statements that are used to test your code. Any Java data type or object can be used in the statement. These assertions are from the JUnit API. Refer to the API for more details.
assertEquals(expected, actual)
assertEquals(message, expected, actual)
assertEquals(expected, actual, delta) - used on doubles or floats,
where delta is the difference in precision
assertEquals(message, expected, actual, delta) - used on doubles or floats,
where delta is the difference in precision
assertFalse(message, condition)
assertNotNull(message, object)
assertNotSame(expected, actual)
assertNotSame(message, expected, actual)
assertNull(message, object)
assertSame(expected, actual)
assertSame(message, expected, actual)
assertTrue(message, condition)
failNotEquals(message, expected, actual)
failNotSame(message, expected, actual)

Submit the following :
• Compress your Eclipse project titled as name-Lab6.zip 

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JAVA Programming: Create a new eclipse project titled
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