
Create a new database named yourlastnameautorepairaccdb for

Figure 1: Access Relationship Window(attached below)

Shelly owns an auto repair shop and would like a database that would help track her customers and their repairs.

• It should be able to keep track of the customers' first and last names along with their street address, city, state, ZIP code, and main phone number.

• In addition, the database should track all of the customers' cars along with the make, model, and year.

• Each repair should be tracked along with the repair type (tire rotation, oil change, etc.), hours worked, and total cost.

• Employees that worked on these repairs should also be recorded with their first and last names and their date of hire.

• You will have a separate table to keep track of the different repair types for purposes of standardization.

Create a new database (named yourLastName_AutoRepair.accdb) for this assignment. Then create the tables and relationships depicted above.

Populate the tables by entering enough sample data to demonstrate the functionality of your database. At the minimum, have at least

• 5 customers,

• 8 cars (some customers have 2 or more cars),

• 18 repairs (some vehicles have more than one repair),

• 5 repair types,

• and 4 employees who work on the cars.

Figure 1 above is an incomplete picture of the Relationship Window in Access and should be used as a reference to ensure that you can replicate the relationships and have the same tables. You MUSTadd more attributes for each of the tables according to the narrative description above.

To ensure that your relationships work, when designing your tables, use the AutoNumber datatype for all of the primary keys and select Number type for the foreign keys

. For example, in table Car, CarID (Primary Key) should be an AutoNumber while CustomerID (foreign key) should be Number type. All other datatypes should be appropriate for each of the attributes based upon the type of data to be entered.

Attachment:- Database-Creation.rar

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Database Management System: Create a new database named yourlastnameautorepairaccdb for
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