
Create a new class call it stringdisplaypractice your

Create a new class, call it StringDisplayPractice.

Your program will display student data in a table format.  You will not need to create variables, just display the data as shown below.  What will you need to use to do this?

Name Year Major

------------------- ------ --------

Anne Smith 1 Computer Science

Tom Harding 2 Criminal Justice

Jake White 1 Information Systems

  String methods

Create a new class, call the class StringPlay.

Remember to include required comment blocks

Ask the user for their street address, town, 2-character state code, and zip code.  Store each entered data in appropriately named String variable.

Do each of the following:

Print the full street address ALL in uppercase.  Town and state will be displayed as entered.  (OPTIONAL: Convert first letter of town to uppercase, convert state code to uppercase)

123 MAIN ST.

Heyworth, IL 61761

Print the length of the street address.  Be sure to give it a label.

Length of street address:  12

Print the first letter in the town name.  Be sure to give it a label.

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Chemistry: Create a new class call it stringdisplaypractice your
Reference No:- TGS01271362

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