Assignment: Race Time Statistics
Write an application that will manage results of a race. When the main form of the application loads it will read a name and a time, one value per line, and fill two listboxes. After the listboxes are filled the application will compute the average of the times and display the results in a textbox. The user will have the option to add and delete entries from the listboxes. The user will also be able to compute the number of racers, maximum time and minimum time by selecting a radio button. By default, whenever a racer is added or deleted from the listboxes the average is computed and displayed.
1. Create a new C# project called RaceResults and a text file called RaceTimes.txt. Enter the data below into the file and save the file in the bin/Debug folder of your project.

2. Create the following form with control objects in your project.

3. Run the executable application file located in the ETM 3030 shared folder called RaceResults.exe. Your homework assignment is to reverse engineer this application.
Software Specifications
1. When the form loads:
a. read the records from RaceTimes.txt and fill listboxes.
b. compute average time and output to label.
c. select the first item in both listboxes. (i.e. Set the SelectedIndex property to 0)
2. Pressing the Delete button will
a. remove the selected records from both listboxes.
b. if the listboxes are empty and error message is displayed.
3. Pressing the Add button
a. will add the a name and time to the listboxes.
b. display an error message if race time is less than 2 or greater than 5.
c. display an error message if any of the textboxes are empty
4. Selecting the Average radio button will
a. display the average race time an output label
b. display the text "Average" in an output label
5. Selecting the Number of Racers radio button will
a. display the Number of Racers in an output label
b. display the text "Number of Racers" in an output label
6. Selecting the Max radio button will
a. display the maximum race time an output label
b. display the text "Max" in an output label
7. Selecting the Min radio button will
a. display the minimum race time an output label
b. display the text "Min" in an output label
8. The Save & Exit button will overwrite the RaceTimes.txt file with the data in the listboxes.
a. create output text file RaceTimes.txt
b. write listbox data to output file
c. close output file
9. The Exit button will exit the program and doesn't save changes.
10. There should always be a record selected at all times except in the case when the listboxes are empty.