Use the code provided below to create a new C++ header file called Circle.h.
#ifndef CIRCLE_H
#define CIRCLE_H
#include >
using namespace std;
class Circle {
friend bool operator == (Circle C1, Circle C2);
//return true if area of C1 equals area of C2, otherwise it returns false
friend bool inside(Circle C1, Circle C2);
// return true if C1 is inside C2, otherwise it returns false
Circle ();
Circle (float R, int X, int Y);
Circle& operator = (Circle C); // assign the C (Circle Object) to the object members
void WriteArea () const;
float radius;
int x, y;
Create a new C++ implementation file called Circle.cpp. This file should contain the implementations of the functions in the Circle class. Also, create an application program to test your Circle class.