
Create a netbeans project

Create a NetBeans project named AddLineNumbers following the instructions provided in the Starting a NetBeans Project instructions in the Programming Exercises/Projects Menu on Blackboard. After you have created your NetBeans project AddLineNumbers and before you attempt to execute your application download and/or copy the text data file dataInput.txt from the course Blackboard to the 
AddLineNumbers project folder. 

After you have created your NetBeans Project your application class should contain the following 
executable code: 

package addlinenumbers; 

public class AddLineNumbers { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

Write the code for the main class as indicated below: 

package addlinenumbers; 

/* Import the Scanner class and all classes from java.io */ 

// Your code here 

public class AddLineNumbers 

public static void main( String [] args ) 

/* Declare variable identifiers to handle text data input from the file and 
count/increment the linenumber */ 

// Your code here 

/* Start try block */ 

// Your code here 

/* Instantiate Scanner object for data input from file "dataInput.txt". There 
should be no path specification as your input file should be located in your 
AddLineNumbers project folder */ 

// Your code here 
/* Instantiate a FileOutputStream object for file "dataOutput.txt". Do not 
specify a path. Your file will be created in the project folder by NetBeans */

// Your code here 

/* Instantiate a PrintWriter object for writing data to your FileOutputStram 
object */ 

// Your code here 

/* Using a while loop control structure, read one line of data from input file, 
prepend the line number to data read from the file and output concatenated 
data to output file */ 

// Your code here 

/* Close files and output message indicating the file has been written */ 

// Your code here 

/* End try block */ 

/* Code FileNotFoundException and IOException catch blocks. Call 
getMessage(), toString() and printStackTrace() methods on exception object 
thrown */ 

// Your code here 

When your application has been successfully compiled and executed Zip the AddLineNumbers project 
folder. After the AddLineNumbers project folder has been successfully compressed, upload the zipped 
folder to your Blackboard account for Programming Exercise 5.  

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JAVA Programming: Create a netbeans project
Reference No:- TGS086555

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