
Create a mission or vision statement what is the motivation

Jack Schore Tennis Challenge-Air-Dome 3-Marketing Plan

I. Title page

Team's title for project, names of all team members, and class designation

II. Executive Summary

One or two pages, ideally bullet point or phrases, persuasive focus on key pts of Plan as well as key points of research findings

III. Table of Contents,

Including page numbers of entire report as well as references page(s) and any appendices with research activity details, and details of critical secondary research, including in regard to the Montgomery Recreational Park (MRP)and the10 miles radius of possible users around this Park

IV. Situation Analysis (briefly focus on main or key points)

A. Internal Environment (related to firm/organization

1. Mission/Vision/Goals/Objectives

• Create a mission or vision statement here for Schore Tennis; can be created only in regard to the new Air-Dome 3 (AD3) development or for the entire Schore TennisPlex complex up at the Montgomery Rec. Park (MRP) (team can decide)

• Key objective is to utilize the upcoming Schore AD3 most productively and profitably

2. Organizational resources-brieflydescribe current Schore TennisPlex facilities already at MRP. Teams can mention the additional two acres that are in addition to the planned Air-Dome 3, but need not include these additional acres in their marketing proposal for AD3. Teams should identify (list) current sports or other organized activities currently taking place at the MRP.

Teams should seek possible ways to attract current users of MRP but need to recommend additional sporting or activity options that are not thereand as viable options for AD3.

For this project, teams should NOT to consider AD3 to be an extension of Schore's TennisPlex facilities, although this could be listed by teams as a fall-back option if the team's recommended Plan does not work out.

B. External Environment

Secondary research is a great starting point here to obtain insights into the external environment surrounding MRP (be careful to provide full citations in the report's REFERENCES section for all info cited throughout this marketing plan, along with adequate (in text) sources in text).

1. Economic conditions-what are the current economic conditions in this geographic area (Montgomery County specifically, metro DC area in general. How does this help/hinder AD3 options?

2. Political trends-any issues here?

3. Legal/Regulatory--any issues here?

4. Technological issues--any issues here? (Consider Air Dome construction to be safe and secure; this topic refers to the current tennis-related offerings, any technological recommendations for the team's marketing plan should/would be addressed in the team's marketing plan proposal later in this report.

5. Demographic and Sociocultural trends? What trends here would be helpful to this AD3 project? Harmful? (This topic area should be explored in depth, especially as to the demographic statistics (ages, genders, races, finances, etc) of this Montgomery County location as well as possible/probable overall sociocultural trends affecting our DC area in general as well as this area specifically. This topic is critical-teams should seek to obtain "profiles" of the different groups of inhabitants near (about 10 miles) by the Park).

Further, the ages or other demographic information here will lead the team to identifying different types of physical exercise or other related activities (organized, team or individual, etc) that should provide the team with MULTIPLE activities that could/should/ would be vital options for the AD3 complex.

V. SWOT Analysis

Based on the information provided above, the team should describe the attributes, etc. that the team feels are especially relevant or critical to this project. This discussion should be done in four separate categories (SWOT) and then the team should summarize its SWOT points through creating a SWOT graphic matrix, using phrases to summarize each category.

(Obviously, as the team develops its marketing plan, the team may realize that there are other points to be added here, please revise as needed throughout the creation of this marketing plan). Remember that the SWOT graphic summary points need to have been introduced in the SWOT discussion.

VI. Team Marketing Plan for AD3. Teams should be innovative and creative in regard to the MRP and, in general, the DC marketplace. How is the team going to approach the question of the BEST USE of Air-Dome 3, for getting consumers and profit? Remember, there are multiple time frames available, so it may be critical to have different activities at different times, or other options.

In addition to more secondary research (now that the team has an idea of some of the demographic details of who is coming to the Park or at least details of the individuals residing relatively near the park), WHAT are some of the best options? Teams should consider both secondary and primary research here-even informal telephone calls to relatives, friends and acquaintances could provide additional insights with what people (of all ages and demographics) are seeking, trying, hoping to try, etc.

A.Marketing Goal(s) and/or Objective(s) with measureable outcome(s)f for AD3.

B.Recommended use for Air-Dome 3 (Product with all the details).

NOTE: Normally, marketing plans here would discuss the consumer/buyer but because the key question for this project relates to the best possible USE of Air-Dome 3, it is important to know:

• WHAT the team is recommending,

• WHY the team is recommending it,

• HOW the team is recommending its ideasbe installed/implemented/operated

Be persuasive and convince us that this is the BEST idea EVER for Jack Schore's new Air-Dome 3, up at the Montgomery Recreational Park.

Your team is going to have to persuade us, and this will need research related to not only the recommended activities, but also needs to persuade the readers in regard to the selection of the consumers who are being targeted by this plan.


1.Primary,as well as possible secondary and even tertiary target market(s). Students are encouraged to select various segment(s) of consumers as their teams' target markets, and to describe (profile) each market segment as clearly as possible.

2. These selections should be based on team research and other supporting reasons, including the following:

Identifying characteristics (demography, geography, values, psychographics)

Needs/wants, preferences

Buying habits and preferences

Consumption characteristics

Consumer Details

a. WHO-- customers /consumers for the team's AD3 recommendation (provide profile as far as possible) Are there any general characteristics as to these buyers?

b. WHAT is the motivation or need/want to be fulfilled by the team's recommendation for AD3?-specific reason(s) or benefit(s)?

c. WHERE do these potential customers/consumers reside (implications for how they would come to the MRP as well as the time frame for such visits?

D. Pricing Strategy-what charges/prices, etc. in general are recommended here, as well as the type of pricing (rental of space per use, or membership over all or???_)

E. Distribution/supply chain-this is a specific location MRP but even in this location, what recommendations would the team provide for maximization of this Air-Dome 3 in regard to its surroundings?

F. Integrated Marketing Communications-it is assumed that some communications will need to be provided, but teams should assume that financial resources are notavailable for traditional advertising (broadcast/print).

Teams need to identify ways to spread the word about this new offering? Personal selling (one form or another) appears also to have been successful in the test market locations. Teams are encouraged to identify a variety of communication approaches that the teams feel would be successful.

G. Implementation-teams need to provide at least an overview of the team's recommended tactical marketing activities

H. Evaluation and Control-teams should also provide an overview of how the team's strategic recommendations should be evaluated, and what measures are recommended if results are not as satisfactory.

I. Conclusion of report, along with References and Appendices (pictures?)Sections as suitable.

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Marketing Research: Create a mission or vision statement what is the motivation
Reference No:- TGS02267635

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