
Create a minitab output for a multiple regression analysis

Solve the following:

Q: Displayed here is the Minitab output for a multiple regression analysis. Study the ANOVA table and the t ratios and use these to discuss the strengths of the regression model and the predictors. Does this model appear to fit the data well? From the information here, what recommendations would you make about the predictor variables in the model?

The regression equation is

Y = 34.7 + 0.0763 X1 + 0.00026X2 - 1.12 X3

Predictor Coef Stdev T p
Constant 34.672 5.256 6.60 .000
X1 0.07629 0.02234 3.41 .005
X2 0.000259 0.001031 0.25 .805
X3 -1.1212 0.9955 -1.13 .230
S = 9.722 R-sq = 51.5% R-sq(adj) = 40.4%

Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F p
Regression 3 1306.99 435.66 4.61 .021
Error 13 1228.78 94.52
Total 16 2535.77

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Applied Statistics: Create a minitab output for a multiple regression analysis
Reference No:- TGS01993526

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