Part 1:
Create a MATLAB function named sumprod that meets the following specifications:
• It accepts three input arguments and returns two output arguments.
• The first output argument is the sum of the three inputs. The second output is the product of the three inputs.
• The function itself should be silent, i.e., it should not prompt the user for input nor should it print anything.
Part 2:
Write a MATLAB script named testps that performs the following tasks:
• Prompts the user to enter the number of times N to repeat a loop.
• Calls your sumprod function within a for loop with the following properties:
o The loop executes for N iterations, starting at 1 with an increment of 1.
o If the looping variable's value is even, sumprod is called with these arguments:
1) Input argument 1 = looping variable
2) Input argument 2 = looping variable * 3
3) Input argument 3 = looping variable ^ 2
o If the looping variable's value is a multiple of three, sumprod is called with these arguments:
1) Input argument 1 = looping variable + 5
2) Input argument 2 = looping variable / 2
3) Input argument 3 = looping variable o If the loop variable's value is neither of the above cases, then the input arguments are all zero.
o Display the output at each iteration using the fprintf function