Step 1
Create a ManufacturedProduct class. The ManufacturedProduct class is a simplified representation of a product that is being built on an assembly line.
The data in a ManufacturedProduct object are as follows:
A private integer instance variable called productId.
A private boolean instance variable called passedInspection.
The ManufacturedProduct class should have the following additional members:
A constructor that sets the productId value. Allow the inspection variable to have a default value of your choice.
A get method for the productId value. No set method should be provided. The only way to assign the productId is with the constructor.
A toString() method that returns a String that is a report on the data in a ManufacturedProduct object.
Remember that the AssemblyLine array (see below) represents an actual assembly line. After a ManufacturedProduct object is finally returned by the insert method, it should be inspected to see if it has been correctly assembled.
So also give the ManufacturedProduct class a public inspection method. All it should do is generate a random number in the range zero to nineteen. If a zero is generated, set the passedInspection variable to false. Otherwise, set it to true.
Step 2
Create an AssemblyLine class. An assembly line is, of course, a good real-world representation of a queue.
The AssemblyLine class has an encapsulated ManufacturedProduct array with five elements. Each element represents a position on an actual assembly line.
Give the AssemblyLine class a public insert method that adds a ManufacturedProduct object to element zero the ManufacturedProduct array. If any objects are already in the array, shift all of them one element 'up' the ManufacturedProduct array.