Create a management plan for your nab company using the

Assignment: Business Plan - Final

This assignment consists of two sections: your final business plan and your business plan financials. Note: You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment.

Section 1

1.Write a one to three page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justify:

A clear and concise business concept.
A thoroughly planned business concept.
A capable management structure.
A clear-cut market need.
Significant competitive advantages for your business.
Realistic financial projections.
That investors have an excellent chance to make money.
A realistic and developed exit plan.

2.Management & Organization (1 - 2 pages)

Create a management plan for your NAB company using the template in the text as a guide (p. 248 | (Key management and employee, Board members and advisors, management structure and style)

Management Plan Preparation Form). Extract appropriate information from the NAB Company portfolio, where applicable. Other required items in the template should be filled in using your personal preferences.

3. Create an Ethics & Social Responsibility Plan.

Note: The Ethics & Social Responsibility plan should account for approximately three to five pages of the Business Plan Draft.

Describe the ways in which your company is committed to being a good corporate citizen.

Hints: Consider the following areas:

Creating jobs

Following the laws of every jurisdiction in which your company operates

Fair and honest treatment of employees

Non-discrimination of employees and increasing diversity of your work force

Hints: If your company is designed as a social venture-in which you have a primary purpose of achieving a social or environmental goal-describe what that goal is and what aspects of your company are designed to reach that goal. Provide a rationale for why you have or why you have not chosen this to be a social venture

Section 2: Business Plan Financials (MS Excel worksheets bundled with course textbook)

For year one, submit a revised Income Statement, Cash Flow Projection, and Balance Sheet from the "Business Plan Financials" Excel template based on your feedback from Project Deliverable 4: Business Plan - Draft

The Financials and the Management description-must spark enough interest to convince a reader to continue. Enhance the two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader.

Hints: The financial section of your business plan will be derived from the previously completed financial worksheets.

Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:

Cite the resources you have used to complete the exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise.

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The Healthy Shake Company

Heathy Shakes, Inc. is a startup company headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi, in the State of Mississippi. Heathy Shakes Company specializes in non-alcoholic beverages and an array of associated snacks. The target market for Heathy Shakes Company is the residents of Jackson. The company deals with healthy shakes, natural ingredients, which is a fruit juice extract from natural fruits. This juice contains no added additives and chemicals. It is served as received from the nature.

Healthy Shakes will focus it' target market on the whole entire state of Mississippi although, Healthy Shake primary target market for its product will be amongst the capital city of Jackson that according to the latest censure is a population of 173,514. Adults will love while considering that almost all the fruit juices in the market are chemical based, people with a strong dislike for chemical-based foods will opt for this Healthy Shake. In the state of Mississippi, the has a population of 2.9 million people with numerous business and according to last year censures the total was around 235 thousand business. Healthy Shakes aims to target those who seek a healthier life style, those in our school, our large food chains, fitness center and many of our local stores. There is no age limit to be healthy however, I believe my product, Heathy Shakes will have a high selling rate among the young people between high school and college age, both men and women in the prime of life (Rabin &Rabern, 2016). Due to the emergence of many food-based illnesses and the linkage of most foods to illnesses such as cancer, these consumers will want to healthy drink. The Heathy Shakes, as is referred to, will be the major brand for this company. This shake will be packed in containers of varied sizes in order to meet the needs of various people. They will be differentiated by having different tastes and flavor including the beetroot flavor, strawberry flavor, pineapple flavor, kiwi flavor, cider flavor, mint flavor, watermelon flavor as well as a mixed fruit flavor which will be a mixture of different fruits.

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Marketing Management: Create a management plan for your nab company using the
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