
Create a literacy self-improvement plan

From Chapters (6,12) Gambrell, L. B., Morrow, L. M., & Pressley, M. Eds. (2011). Best practice in literacy instruction (4th Ed.). New York: Guilford

Press. (ISBN- 978-1-60918-178-9)

Brief Written Description:

The second component is a one-page write up of the comprehension (i.e., meaning making) strategy that you will teach to students. The write-up, however, is designed for other teachers so that they might duplicate your activity, if they wish. While not a full-fledged lesson plan, include the (a) name of the strategy, (b) steps you would follow in explicitly teaching the strategy to students, and (c) materials needed. (d) Be sure to say something about how you will assess whether students have mastered the reading comprehension strategy you are teaching them

Self-Improvement Plans for Literacy Instruction (SIP):

Using evidenced-based practice in literacy, create a literacy self-improvement plan each week in the areas below based on what you are reading about and learning in this class. After assessing your current classroom practice, design a self-improvement plan by considering your current literacy practices with an emphasis on specifically what you would like to do differently. Your reflective self-plan for change must be electronically submitted each week via Blackboard. The first submission will focus on your current and general literacy practices, which your instructor may have you begin to draft in the first class session. Please note that in order to receive full credit for these reflections, you must address all parts of the question and tie in your remarks specifically with our course readings, class work and discussions.

Any reflection without 4 substantive references to the course readings (either through quotes or paraphrases with accompanying in text citations) as well as explicit substantive references to what we are learning in class may not be scored higher than 7/10. These references should be clearly connected to what you are writing about in your SIPs. Avoid simply parachuting down quotes from the literature, in other words. Further, any reflection that does not address one of the two parts of the SIP question may not be scored higher than 6/10. Each week there is a question posted to guide your inquiry.

Write these in as you would any formal paper, using appropriate paragraph structure, transitions and citations. You are encouraged to use headings and sub-headings, which should help you self-evaluate whether youve addressed all parts of the prompts.


A. A. Methods of teaching comprehension

Setting a purpose

Guided questions

Note-taking strategies — main ideas


Double-entry journal

B. Improvements

Socially constructed meaning

143 – Activate prior knowledge

modelling – showing how an adult reads

145 – graphic organizer — help students to sort out key ideas and details

153 – Metacognitive strategies– symbols to include while reading

144 – predicting

Socially constructed meaning — a group of students discusses a text and creates meaning through discussion

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