Q: Given the code what is the values of the following expressions.
They may be undefined or the boolean expression may be invalid
a) firstptr->next->firstname
b) firstptr->next-next->SSN
c) firstptr->next==lastptr
d) currptr->next->lastname
e) currptr->next->lastname
f) firstptr==lastptr->next
g)firstptr->SSNnext->SSN.struct personaldata
string firstname;
string lastname;
int ssn;
personal data* next;
personaldata* currptr;
personaldata* firstptr;
personaldata* lastptr;
currptr = null;
firstptr = null;
lastptr = null;
currptr = new personaldata;
currptr->firstname = "sally";
currptr->lastname = "simon";
currptr->ssn = 12346789;
currptr->next = new personaldata;
lastptr->firstname = "george";
lastptr->lastname = "gunther";
lastptr->ssn = 127608712;
firsptr = new persondata;
lastptr->next = firstptr;
firstptr->firstname = "mary";
firstptr->lastname = "mae";
firstptr->ssn = 23855555;
firstptr->next = currptr;