You need help with this gui java assignment
Create a JFrame. Create 5 JPanels (The center 1 will draw circles, the rest will have a button each). 4 of the exterior JPanel should have 1 JLabel specifying its region.
The same 4 JPanels should have at least 1 working JButton.
When the button is clicked, make the JColorChooser Dialog show up. Use the selected color to set the Background of the JPanel the button is in. Make the center panel draws lines, shapes, characters in response to mouseDragged, mousePressed, keyTyped.
The user should be able to control the size, and color of all the shapes, lines, and letters through the use of various JComponents.
In the other JPanels, Add JComponents for different selections such as shape type, color, size, etc. Include at least 2 other shapes beside circles.