
Create a java program for maximum number


Question: Create a Java program that will ask the user to type in two numbers to represent the maximum and minimum values in a range of integers. The program will then generate 100 random numbers in this range. The program will then determine and display the average value of the array of numbers. To prevent too many repeated numbers, only proceed to generate the random array if the user typed in two numbers that are different by at least 200. You could test this by using an if statement: if (max >= min+200) When the user types in two numbers that do not fit the criteria, just output an error message. Use JOptionPane for all input and output. For the sake of debugging, you can use System.out for output of the entire array generated to see that the results are correct, but use JOptionPane to display the average value and get the required input numbers from the user.

Write the code step by step and explain it.

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Computer Engineering: Create a java program for maximum number
Reference No:- TGS0891286

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