
Create a java program called center that displays an


In preparation for future Java programs, create a Java program, called Center, that displays an opening screen with text information about your program centered in the middle of the screen. Include the name of your program, your name, your instructor's name, the date, and any other necessary information. When maximized, the command prompt window displays approximately 25 lines that are 80 characters across. To center vertically, divide the number of lines of text into 25 (dropping any remainder) to determine how many blank lines (\n) to insert before each text line. To center horizontally, count the characters in the line of text, divide that by 2 (dropping any remainder), and then subtract that from 40 to determine how many spaces you should indent from the left margin. Remember that each escape character (\t) moves the text approximately eight characters to the right. Use the SPACEBAR to insert fewer than eight spaces. Compile and execute your program. Save your program on the Data Disk.

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JAVA Programming: Create a java program called center that displays an
Reference No:- TGS02732680

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