
Create a homegrown string data type

We've been talking about abstractin and ADT's (Abstract Data Types), here's you chance to get some practical experience in working with them. Using the ADT defined below, create a homegrown string data type. These are the deliverables that you must supply:

The code implementing the ADT.

A simple program to prove that it works.

The only additional restriction I'll put on you is that you must use a simple array of characters to store the values. Remember, don't get carried away. Create a simple and useable design.

ADT: string


Domain: the local character set (for this exercise, ASCII will be fine)...

the letters: A...Z and a...z

the digits: 0...9

other symbols: the usual punctualion marks and mathematical symbols


Construct an empty string

Construct an initialized string

Assign a new value to a string

Append new values on the end of an existing string

Display the contents of a string

Relational Operations:

Equal to is true if two string are the same

Not equal to is true if two string are different

Less than is true if the first string is smaller than the second string

Less than/equal to true if the first string is either the same as or smaller than the second string

Greater than true if the first string is larger than the second string

Greater than/equal to true if the first string is either the same as or larger than the second string 

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Basic Computer Science: Create a homegrown string data type
Reference No:- TGS0143690

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