Create a health behavior change contract plan


Create a Health Behavior Change Contract (plan). Choose a health behavior that we've covered in class, or some other health behavior that you would like to improve over the next 6-12 months.

Use the template provided below. Reference the attached sample Health Behavior Change Contract and rubric to ensure that your contract includes all required components. There is also an example in chapter 1 (p. 19) of the Donatelle textbook. Your contract should include:

1. A long-term goal statement and a target behavior you would like to change.

2. Obstacles to changing your target health behavior. - Include at least 3.

3. Strategies to overcoming these obstacles. - Include at least 3, one for each relevant obstacle.

4. Resources you will use to learn more about the target behavior/health goal. - Include a minimum of 3.

5. 3 short-term goals (behavioral objectives) that will help you to achieve your long-term goal

6. Rewards (or positive reinforces) you will use as an incentive to stick with your health behavior change plan. - Include at least 1 long-term reward; you may include short-term rewards as well if you wish.

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Reference No:- TGS03358833

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