- Create a GUI that uses JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JTextArea, and menus.
- Process multiple events.
PROBLEM: BurgersRUs Point of Sale system
Burger Barn needs a point of sale application. The products and prices are as follows.
Burgers: single $3.50, double $4.75
Add cheese: + $.50
Add bacon: + $1.25
Make it a meal: + $4.00
You can code the GUI by hand or use NetBeans GUI builder interface.
The GUI should use JRadioButton to choose single or double burger.
- Single burger
- Double burger
It should use JCheckBox for add ons.
- Add cheese
- Add bacon
- Make it a mealJTextField for item price, order quantity, order totalJTextArea to display the receipt
Create a menu with the following options.
File Order
Exit Add to Order
Clear for next item
New Order
As the user selects items, the item price should be calculated and updated accordingly.
Note that quantity should default to 1. The user can change if needed.
Once choices are made and quantity is entered, process the order using the menu options.
Order-Add to Order Displays the choice and price in each text area.
Note that multiple items can accumulate in a single order
Updates the order total
Order-Clear for next item Clears the checkboxes. Note that quantity should default to 1
Order-New Order Clears the GUI and totals for a new order
File-Exit Exits the program. Use System.exit(0) commad.
Sample GUI