
Create a gui program windows form application named


Create a GUI program (Windows Form Application) named TaxPayerDemo that declares an array of 10 Taxpayer objects. Prompt the user for data for each object and dsiplay the 10 objects. Data fields for Taxpayer objects include the Social Security number (use a string for the type, but do not use dashes within the Social Security number), the yearly gross income, and the income tax owed. Include a property with get and set accessors for the first two data fields, but make the tax owed a read-only property. The tax should be calculated whenever the income is set. Assume that the tax rate is 15% for incomes under $300,000 and 28% for incomes that are $300,000 or higher.

Also, after the 10 Taxpayer objects are displayed, they should be sorted in order by the amount of tax owed and displayed again. Modify the Taxpayer class so its objects are comparable to each other based on tax owed.


-Instead of arrays, you will use a List - thus the IComparable interface will not be used

-Use OrderBy for sorting.

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Business Management: Create a gui program windows form application named
Reference No:- TGS02781055

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