
Create a graph with the trendline displayed

Finals looking for an "A" grade must be fresh original work, in APA format with 3-4 references (NO INTERNET research) $15
Using survey responses from the AIU data set, complete the following requirements in the form of a 3-page report:
TEST 1: Regression Analysis- Benefits & Intrinsic

Perform the following Regression Analysis, using a .05 significance level

Run a regression analysis using the BENEFITS column of all data points in the AIU data set as the independent variable and the INTRINSIC job satisfaction column of all data points in the AIU data set as the dependent variable.
Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
Create a graph with the trendline displayed the 3 regression.
Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.

TEST 2: Regression Analysis- Benefits & Extrinsic
Perform the following Regression Analysis, using a .05 significance level

Run a regression analysis using the BENEFITS column of all data points in the AIU data set as the independent variable and the EXTRINSIC job satisfaction column of all data points in the AIU data set as the dependent variable.

Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.

Create a graph with the trendline displayed for the regression.
Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.

TEST 3: Regression Analysis- Benefits & Overall Job Satisfaction
Perform the following Regression Analysis, using a .05 significance level

Run a regression analysis using the BENEFITS column of all data points in the AIU data set as the independent variable and the OVERALL job satisfaction column of all data points in the AIU data set as the dependent variable.
Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
Create a graph with the trendline displayed for the regression.
Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.

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Marketing Management: Create a graph with the trendline displayed
Reference No:- TGS0511830

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