
Create a gradstudent class which inherits

Part - 1
Implement the following algorithm in C# by creating class Student. 

Data members include studFirstName, studLastName, studExam1, studExam2, studExam3,

and studAvg.

Methods should include get and set for all data members listed above.

Create a stud objects and calculate his/her final grade, studAvg.

Submit source and run window as a zip file in assignment box.

declare variables
print "Enter student first name"
input studFirstName
print "Enter student last name"
input studLastName
print "Enter score for exam 1"
input studExam1
print "Enter score for exam 2"
input studExam2
print "Enter score for exam 3"
input studExam3
compute studScore = studExam1 + studExam2 + studExam3
compute studAvg = studScore / 3
print "Student's Final Grade"

Part - 2
Create a gradStudent class which Inherits from Student class created earlier.

The gradStudent class should include the following data members:

string bsDegreeName //BS degree name

float bsGPA //BS GPA

string ProgName //Master's program name

Also create two constructors one of which is the default constructor.

Test out your gradStudent class by creating one graduate student object.

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Basic Computer Science: Create a gradstudent class which inherits
Reference No:- TGS079125

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